Grades K-2, 3 Month Subscription
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Click on the bundle names below to see what's included in each bundle.
Recommended for grades K-2. Includes all materials required to create & build these kits + 2 bonus activity sheets a month.
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Foil Art & Cap and Foam +
2 Activity sheets: Animated Greeting Cards & That’s Berry Pretty
Month 2 includes 2 kits: A Cute Cubic Conundrum and Paper Sunflowers +
2 Activity sheets: Stationary Gift Bags & Beautiful Butterflies
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Mathematical Dream Catcher & Scalloped Circle String Art +
2 Activity sheets: Marshmallow Shapes & Wind Spirals
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Foil Art & Cap and Foam +
2 Activity sheets: Animated Greeting Cards & That’s Berry Pretty
Month 2 includes 2 kits: A Cute Cubic Conundrum and Paper Sunflowers +
2 Activity sheets: Stationary Gift Bags & Beautiful Butterflies
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Mathematical Dream Catcher & Scalloped Circle String Art +
2 Activity sheets: Marshmallow Shapes & Wind Spirals
Recommended for grades K-2. Includes all materials required to create & build these kits + 2 bonus activity sheets a month.
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Buzz Off & Tongue Depressor Harmonica +
2 Activity sheets: Be the Bee & Maraca Caps
Month 2 includes 2 kits: Glove-a-Phone & Spice Cap Maracas +
2 Activity sheets: Match the Sounds & I've Got Rhythm
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Kumihimo & Mural +
2 Activity sheets: Eggshell Chalk & Paper Bag Tulips
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Buzz Off & Tongue Depressor Harmonica +
2 Activity sheets: Be the Bee & Maraca Caps
Month 2 includes 2 kits: Glove-a-Phone & Spice Cap Maracas +
2 Activity sheets: Match the Sounds & I've Got Rhythm
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Kumihimo & Mural +
2 Activity sheets: Eggshell Chalk & Paper Bag Tulips
Recommended for grades K-2. Includes all materials required to create & build these kits + 2 bonus activity sheets a month.
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Design a House & Design a Town +
2 Activity sheets: Building Center & Tiny Terrarium
Month 2 includes 2 kits: Rolling Maze & Critter Capsule +
2 Activity sheets: Color Bridges & Butterfly Feeder
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Car on a Roll & Hovercraft +
2 Activity sheets: What’s the Matter with Floats & Bottle Standup
Month 1 includes 2 kits: Design a House & Design a Town +
2 Activity sheets: Building Center & Tiny Terrarium
Month 2 includes 2 kits: Rolling Maze & Critter Capsule +
2 Activity sheets: Color Bridges & Butterfly Feeder
Month 3 includes 2 kits: Car on a Roll & Hovercraft +
2 Activity sheets: What’s the Matter with Floats & Bottle Standup